Yorkshire Terriers do not have the normal ‘fur’ of other dogs therefore they are less prone to possess the normal ‘doggy’ smells another bonus is that the breed does not shed its fur as most other dogs do.
Their hair grows permanently & can become very easily matted so needs regular trimming hence the reason for the topknot. A lot of people mistake the band or bow placed so perfectly in the dog’s fur as just a decorative piece, in truth without it the dog’s hair would be constantly in its eyes.
Some owners prefer to keep their Yorkshire Terriers clipped short for ease, this is a good idea but you must ensure that you are prepared to keep this up every few months.
Before you brush your Yorkshire Terrier lightly mist their coat with a solution of warm water & a normal mild dog conditioner this will assist to soften the coat. If you groom the coat completely dry it can make it harder to work through any tangles & there is more chance that you will break the hair.
Refrain from using a natural bristle brush, as they are likely to ’snag’ the dog’s coat. The best type of brush for the fine, silky hair of the Yorkshire Terrier is a good quality pin brush with a rubber backing to it. Keep away from the pin brushes that have the little balls on the ends of the pins as they have a tendency to pull at the coat & break the fine hair.
After brushing your dog’s coat thoroughly use a wide toothed comb to gently go over the coat again as this will just ensure that you have removed all the tangles.

Grooming does not just involve the brushing & combing of your canine friend it should include checking your dog’s ears, eyes, teeth, paws & their nails. Of course these other checks do not have to be completed on a daily basis but it is a good idea to adopt a regular routine, perhaps every couple of days.
Take great care when clipping your dog’s nails if they are done frequently it makes it easier as you will not have to cut so much off each time you clip them, just ‘tip’ the very ends. If you cut too far down the claw you risk catching the ‘quick’ this is the term for the nerves & blood vessels that supply the nail. If the worst happens & you accidentally clip the quick, do not panic, have some powder to hand even talcum powder will do & pop some onto the claw in question. The powder will aid in coagulating the blood therefore stemming the flow.
Never attempt to stick anything into your dog’s ears, simply just wipe around the outer ear & very gently around the inner ear. Look at your dog’s ears regularly & become accustomed to their normal appearance, this way you will be instantly aware if anything alters.
It is important to clean your Yorkshire Terrier’s teeth regularly with a special dog toothbrush & paste, encouraging your dog to chew at hide based treats is also a good idea as this will help to reduce tartar building up.
Yorkshire Terrier - Dog Lover
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