Sunday, June 14, 2009


No matter how healthy a Yorkshire terrier may appear you will always come across some sort of health issues. Some health issues that are often seen in Yorkshire terriers include lymphangiectasia, bronchitis, hepatic lipidosis, cataracts and keratitis sicca. Reactions to where the site of an injection is quite common which usually results in inflammation or even hair loss so do not be alarmed. Yorkshire terriers are infamous for their delicate digestive system and often suffer form vomiting and diarrhoea; this is commonly due to over feeding or foods not tolerated by the Yorkie.

They do tend to be fussy when it comes to food and will not eat what they don’t like so it is important to find a food that agrees with them and they like. Try and avoid mixing foods as they tend not to enjoy the different combinations of flavours. Due to the obvious small size of this toy breed anaesthesia can be a risk and some vets may not wish to perform operations. Another concern with the size of the Yorkshire terrier is that they seem susceptible to injury because of falls, other dogs as they will strike at bigger dogs or even the owner’s mistakes. This is another reason why Yorkies are not recommended for small children as they are likely to injure the dog. This may even be screened by breeders or rescue centres and most will not allow families with young children to have a Yorkshire terrier.

It is important to maintain the Yorkies weight at around 7 pounds as it could cause it to have a shorter life span of less than the average 12 – 15 years. Yorkie with weight problems Yorkies weighing 3 pounds or under are more prone to illness and chronic health problems with more problems regarding anaesthesia and injury.

Yorkshire Terrier - Dog Lover

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